Science Department (HS)

The HCI Integrated Programme for Science is implemented across Year 1 to 6.

The curriculum is designed to allow students to explore their interest in Year 1 and 2, to develop passion in Year 3 and 4 and finally to consolidate their knowledge and skills in Year 5 and 6.

Focus will be placed on the thinking framework – critical thinking, creative and caring thinking – that cuts across all curricula. Strong emphasis will also be placed in the mastery of fundamental knowledge and experimental skills.

To create a stimulating and challenging environment, all students will also be allowed to participate in the Hwa Chong Research Program for a week. This week is set aside for each school term. This is to enable them to enrich themselves in an area of their interest. Some of these areas include Environmental Science, Biological Sciences, Photonics, Applied Statistics and Mathematical Modeling. Through their activities in research projects, students will be exposed to a range of possibilities, keeping their minds active all the time.

In addition, students who are gifted and have shown academic potential will be identified and their curriculum differentiated i.e. through content (both in terms of breadth and depth through individualisation, interdisciplinary studies and infusion of affective education), process (a more rigorous student-centred approach will be adopted).