BioTech Fair

Award : Bronze

Project Title : Antiviral activity of herbal extracts

Participants : Leong Shi Wei (4A)(L), Tan Yu Guang (4A), Ng Zhiguang (4A)

Mentor : Mrs Har Hui Peng

Award : Merit

Title : DNA science without the DNA: gel electrophoresis

Participants : Tan Wei Liang (4H) (L), Tan Zong Ying

Mentor : Mrs Har Hui Peng

Title : Herbal interactions in pathological assessment

Participants : Lee Cheng Yi (4G) (L), Cheng Yinghan (4K), Soon En Loong (4K), Wu Shao Zong Sam (4K)

Mentor : Mr Lee Foo Yong

Title : Ultraviolet protection properties of fruit peel extracts

Participants : Lim Kah Liang Stanley (4H) (L), Lau Jun Jie (4H), Ng Yong Wei (4H)

Mentor : Mrs Goh-Yip Cheng Wai

Award : Participation

Title : Using ferns for ecological pollution assessment and phytoremediation

Participants : Buan Jun Liang Bryan (4M) (L), Ang Shao Jie (4M), Lim Wen Zhe (4M), Ng Ding Wen Ashley (4N)

Mentor : Mr Lee Foo Yong

Title : Antibacterial activity of lysozymes from plants

Participants : Lee Si Kai (4I) (L), Ho Tack Kian (4I), Sim Chu Ming (4J)

Mentor : Mrs Goh Cheng Wai

Project Title : Removing pests from plants using spice extracts

Participants : Lee Kok Wei (4I) (L), Khoo Rui Yan (4I), Chua Boon Haow (4I), Tan WeiLiang Jansen (4I)

Mentor : Mr Goh Yan Yih

Singapore Science and Engineering Fair

Award : Silver

1. Classification and characterisation of BCH/SEC14 Domains and Prediction of Novel Protein Interactions

Participants : Wee Liang En (4N 2005)

Mentor : Mr Lee Foo Yong

2. Investigating the Adsorption of Heavy Metal Ions by Plant Fibre

Participants : Loh Kai Herng (4A 2005), Lee Ming Wei (4A 2005), Seah Kay Siong (4A 2005)

Mentor : Mr Vincent Tan Chin Leong

3. Investigating the properties of YBa2Cu3O7 superconductors on the micro/nano- scale

Participants : Chan Su-Chern Philip (4I), Leng Ting Kun (4I), Tan Aik Khim (4I)

Mentor : Mrs Ng Siew Hoon

4. Isolation of Bacillus Strains and the Applications of their Enzymes in Waste Management

Participants : Deng Zhaolong (4H 2005), Wang Liang Wei (4H 2005)

Mentor: Mrs Goh-Yip Cheng Wai

Award : Bronze

1. Approximation and Mathematical Induction in Ellipses

Participants : Hang Hao Chuien (4M 2005)

Mentor : Mr Lee Foo Yong

2. Analysis and Validation of Traditional Chinese Medicine herbs and recipes

Participants : Fong Wei Sheng (4J 2005), Ho Fu Wah Andrew (4J)

Mentor : Mr Vincent Tan Chin Leong

Award : Merit

1. Methods of reducing phosphate and nitrate

Participants : Ivan Fok Tong Pin (4G), Wong Bin Sheng (4G), Cheong Kelvin (4G)

Mentor: Mrs Sow-Peh Yoke Keow

2. Effects of Phytochemicals on Skin Repair

Participants : Ivan Tan Yan Wei (4I 2005), Ng Bing Yuan Wilson (4I 2005), Wong Jun Jie (4I 2005)

Mentor: Mr Goh Yan Yih

3. The isolation of oral streptococci and the inhibition of growth and adherence to the tooth surface

Participants : Cai Mingshu (4H 2005), Leon Leong (4H 2005)

Mentor: Mrs Goh-Yip Cheng Wai

Award : Participation

1. Effects of Ethanol exposure on the Development of Drosophila Melanogaster

Participants : Liew Kaiyang Kevin (4M 2005), Tan Yong Zi (4M 2005), Wong Hong Jie (4M 2005)

Mentor: Ms Letchmi Devi Ponnusamy

2. Nanofiltration of Wastewater from the IT industry

Participants : Woon Wei Seng (4I), Khoo Rui Yan (4I), Ong Jian Liang (4J)

Mentor: Mr Vincent Tan Chin Leong

3. The Effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens on plant growth of Hydroponics Plants

Participants : Teo Chao Tong (4H), Ang Jia Jun (4H), Tay Kai-Xian (4F)

Mentor: Mrs Goh-Yip Cheng Wai

4 . Isolation of Lactic Acid Bacteria Strains and their Spectrum of Inhibitory Activities against Food Borne Bacteria

Participants : Erik Widjaja (4H 2005), Chen Jun Hui Lionel (4H 2005), Cheong Kai Xiong (4H 2005)

Mentor: Mrs Goh-Yip Cheng Wai

5. Effects of Traditional Chinese Herbs on Bacterial Transformation and Gene Expression in Escherichia coli

Participants : Soon Yong Sen Calvin (4A), Chng Wei Hong (4A), Ow Jie Yu (4A)

Mentor: Mrs Har Hui Peng

6. Three- qubit thermal entanglement via entanglement swapping on two-qubit Heisenberg XY chains

Participants : Ng Jie Rui Jezreel (4N 2005), Kao Zi Chong (4N 2005)

Mentor: Ms Letchmi Devi Ponnusamy

7. Artificial Intelligence in Aircraft Engine Diagnostic and Prognostics

Participants : Yeang Xian Wei (4N 2005), Tay Kiat Aun Aaron (4N 2005)

Mentor: Mr Tan Kok Kim

8. Effect of Phytochemicals on Lipid metabolism and zebrafish embryo development

Participants : Er Jun Zhi (4I 2005), Irvin Lee Yong Yang (4I 2005)

Mentor: Mr Goh Yan Yih


Award : 1st runner up

Team members: Philip Chan 4I, Lan Yingjie 4N, Lim Weiquan 4N, Ow Yam Huo 4N


Award : 2nd runner up

Team members: Philip Chan 4I, Lan Yingjie 4N, Lim Weiquan 4N, Ow Yam Huo 4N

National Science Challenge

Award: 1st runner-up

Participants: Lu Yongquan (3N), Seah Goh 3N, Lee Jianrui 3B, Justin Tay 3O, Lim Weizhong 3O

Teacher-in-charge: Lee Foo Yong

Chemical Powered Car Competition

Jointly organised by School of Life Sciences and Chemical Technology of Ngee Ann Polytechnic

On 27 May (Saturday), 10 groups comprising Sec 3 and 4 students participated in the 1st Chemical Powered Car Competition. Out of a total of 79 teams taking part, two of our groups managed to clinch the top awards!

Award : Best Research Report (Shark Fin)

Participants : Lau Jun Jie (4H), Glenn Sim (4H), Joshua Sng (4H), Ian Sim (4H)

Teacher-advisor : Mrs Sow-Peh Yoke Keow

Award : Best Designed Car (Mechemcar)

Participants : Tay Jia Xi (3I), Chong Kai Qing (3I), Pang Wei Pin (3I)

Teacher-advisor : Mr Vincent Tan Chin Leong

7th National Crystal Growing Challenge

Open Category

Award : 1st runner up

Crystal grown: 8 layered chrome alum-potash alum

Participants : Stanley Lim (4H), Yeo Wei Zheng (4H)

Award : 2nd runner up

Crystal grown: sodium chlorate

Participants : Woo Kai Shan (4G), Hon Bo Xuan (4G)

Junior Category

Award : 1st

Crystal grown: Potassium aluminium sulphate

Participants : Fu Yize (4F), Ng Yong Wei (4H)

Award : Participation

Participants : Aw Jian Wei (3K), Puay Ni Yi (3K)

Mentor : Mrs Sow-Peh Yoke Keow

Singapore Youth Science Fair

Theme for the Science Fair : Science Works

Award : Gold

Project Title : A Hybrid Eco-Friendly Fertilizer from Eggshell

Participants : Goh Jun Heng (4H), Sim Yan Ee Ian (4H), Lim Yuan Guang (4H), Moses Tan Mong Heng (4H)

Mentor: Mrs Sow-Peh Yoke Keow

Award : Silver

Project Title : Microbial Fuel Cell : An Alternative Fuel Source for Tomorrow

Participants : Lo Zheng Xiang (4A), Leong Yuan Chang (4A), Seow Zhi Yi (4A)

Mentor: Mrs Har Hui Peng

Project Title : Obtaining Transgenic African Violet Through Plant Tissue Culture

Participants : Tan Wei Han (3I), Pang Wei Pin (3I)

Mentor: Mr Goh Yan Yih

The following 4 groups were shortlisted for the presentation rounds:

Project Title : Methods of removing phosphate and nitrate

Participants : Ivan Fok Tong Pin (4G), Wong Bin Sheng (4G), Cheong Kelvin (4G), Neville Lim Shu Huan (4G)

Mentor: Mrs Sow-Peh Yoke Keow

Project Title : Adaptation in Artificial Intelligence

Participants : Lim Wei Quan (4N), Choi Beng Yen Benjamin (4M), Mai Yishan (4N)

Mentor: Mr Yong Jong Shyan

Project Title : Bacterial profiles of Lead-Contaminated Soils phytoremediated by Axonopus Compressus

Participants : Wan Melvin (4M), Ng Ding Wen Ashley (4N), Ow Yam Huo (4N)

Mentor: Mr Tan Hock Chye

Project Title : PHiZZy Donuts

Participants : Lu Yongquan (3N), Lee Jian Le (3O), Lim Jia Wei (3O)

Mentor: Ms Gwee Hwee Ngee

Greenwave Environmental Care Competition

Award : Merit Award

Title : Recycling Canteen Waste

Participants : Oh Zhenwei Nicholas (3G), Ong Jin Xiang (3G), Ong Chong Hian Jackson (3F), Kevin Chan (3G)Teacher-advisor : Mrs Sow-Peh Yoke Keow

Award : Participation

Title : A Solution to Eutrophication

Participants : Neville Lim Shu Huan (3G), Wong Bin Sheng (3G), Ivan Fok Tong Pin (3G), Cheong Kelvin (3G)

Teacher-advisor : Mrs Sow-Peh Yoke Keow